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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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in india oh she's available in the movie the joint the hotel rooms the home of the lights the gateway hotel the grand imperial truly the taj we're still to school until you can a well it's no social issue that you see don't need to go and. read this in the kennel was such a retreat. the man that charged with the norway's a first ever terrorist attack admits responsibility for the bombing in the capital and the shooting a rampage that followed. i don't have a look right here these are live pictures of a special service for the victims underway in the capital's main cathedral the royal family and a prime minister all present at the ceremony as we know over ninety people were killed during this attack. global economic recovery is brisk as debt crisis talks in the us collapse within the government of the e.u.
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comes up with a new lifeline to pull the euro back from the brink. and as embattled the media mogul rupert murdoch approached him self for a legal battle in the united states americans say the phone hacking scandal has only highlighted the country's growing lack of privacy. plus the u.s. led coalition in afghanistan it begins handing control over to local security forces but the port reputation spots concerns about the future of the country. with the top stories of today and off this week you're watching the weekly with me in shape amanda charged with friday's shooting spree at a norwegian that used bombing in the capital has admitted to responsibility for the . attack that claimed over one thousand lives the incident has been called the
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country's worst atrocities since world war two and shortly we will speak to our teaser dunya bush will who is standing by live for us and also details about a report coming your way shortly here and i would say to someone who knows and has a brief it personally told r.t. that he was shocked by the news but says it also has a place where radicalism is in the air. i could not imagine. not even. he and i have been writing was something he ego and especially. in relation to girls save for example the fairer sex for other guys. like you know i don't know. if you were. a little bit o. but it was built on a joke you know like. on the other hand if you look at the circle all slow very
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slight i don't know what. to do but there is. also a little i do nomination saying god i'm a huge church then he shewed them are you trying to get in on the other ground there is just a late. population who are very private and then you know water is so central oslo is basically like just you know. one long way to one of it. security analyst chris notes from manchester in the u.k. thinks that no way was just not prepared for this type of crisis. what we're talking about here is a possibility. instructive to. the european organization police forces in europe and europe all. together. setting up a group of people so acts first to
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a police forces across europe people looking inward as opposed to. the question is why this is not. because there are any number of reports that you could read on the internet. privately. some. suggest that. the rise of right wing extremism in europe has been a number of years so the question is why have we not moved into our cells could be of these things much closer probably we could have done. it where do we go from here. all the norwegian attacks have sent shock waves around the world and sparked passionate debate on what lies behind such a brutal act if you are the website right now if you got a call and we're asking you what's triggered the norwegian tragedy. was so far the
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majority of you think that sheer fanaticism is to blame fewer people forty percent said of tensions stem from multiculturalism nine percent say the reason is global terrorism which penetrates everywhere and the minority says it's down to the failure of the security forces what is your view on this log on to r.t. dot com and make sure you have your say. on the way here at our public property in the gutter. they decided well that looks a little different and must be our of anything is our of the must have explosives ignorance as the basis of national policy is a pretty scary situation find out how activists are linking the rupert murdoch phone hacking scandal to the invasion type pics of the state. plus nato begins with drawing combat troops from afghanistan but are the local security forces ready to fend for themselves stay with us for a special report from inside the war zone. with r.t.
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now agrees to see no blimps of hope after european leaders came up with a plan to fight its debt crisis after long negotiations e.u. governments agreed on a range of measures designed to help the stricken country to avoid a default crease will receive a new bailout worth an estimated one hundred nine billion euros a move will see interest rates on greek debt lowered and the period in which you must repay its loans double greece has been battling its debt crisis for the past eighteen months and has seen violent protests from a disillusioned public some critics think the second cash will not be the miracle cure that greece needs to avoid default. but i think it's going to prolong the agony unfortunately a lot more money has been thrown at the greek economy in the hope that that can stop the contagion but really a lot of it just looks like hype and i'm very very concerned that we haven't actually kind of sure we've just got another sticking plaster you know what really
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the european union are trying to do here is they're trying to stanch the blood that's flowing that money that's flowing out of the greek economy that can has been kicked down the road at the injury of contagion still leaking to other countries such as ireland portugal even italy and spain are there and therefore we don't have a cure but what we've seen so far unfortunately looks like hollow words until the words do not inspire confidence in markets and that has got to be some degree of a problem for the euro in the longer term. financial woes are also rife across the atlantic but the u.s. president has held emergency talks with congressional leaders arac obama accused party members of risking a new global catastrophe after talks to avert a debt default collapsed congress must approve a plan to allow more boring on top of its current fourteen trillion dollars level before the second if the decision is not made by then the country could run out of money to pay its bills and may have to take measures that would threaten the global
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economic recovery both democrats and republicans are divided over details of a package of spending cuts and tax rises to be offered by the president includes cuts to medical costs and other entitlements and as investigative journalist greg palast says it's the ordinary americans who will have to foot the bill for their government's excess george bush when he was president. but i don't. want to. give in to mid east six billion dollars a year by bill clinton turned out it was six hundred million dollars per year deficit adding three trillion dollars us. eric cantor for all those bush's wars i'm for it weapons for the tax cuts now these guys don't want to pay the bill they're trying to got a. dad the tax cuts for the pitch and bush isn't or is somehow the
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compromise means that the this should be in dollars we'll need eight more but eliminating benefits for the working class the american people the elderly people on social security didn't encourage it it's the veterans receiving better veterans benefits didn't increase the debt it was the result of bush's wars to bush's tax cuts while spending for these programs. now it's a minutes past the hour here in the russian capital you with r t thanks for joining us getting back to our top story now of course our friday's attack in norway and in oslo and also on the camping island over ninety victims are gunned down by norwegian who actually admits responsibility for the bombing in the shooting but denies breaking the law let's get some more details on this now cross live artie's done you'll bushell who is standing by for us in oslo daniel what new details emerge off the anders behring breivik admitted his guilt. as you say the government has admitted to the crimes he says it was an atrocious yes necessary act that was
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needed to shake up the region society in fact says it wasn't a crime movie tells are emerging about saying there are pictures of him holding guns he's posted a bizarre fifteen hundred page book in which he says and i quote that once you decide how to strike a space so once you decide to strike it is better to kill too many of the not enough or you risk reducing the desired ideological impact of the strike said he's been plotting this for nine years just to remind you there was a blast here in the city center and the government headquarters and just a few hours later only he traveled to the island just outside doors away began shooting indiscriminately just as a police officer with a gun wish students around suspicion because of this blast here the children didn't think that this was the gunman a month he started shooting they thought it was balloons they couldn't believe it they started running for their lives swimming jumping into the into the sea and swimming for their lives hiding in the reports to really horrific scenes here of
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the tragedy yes i know i think the word is horrific i see you say that now you are and also how is the mood in the capital since the shock times. this is underway attended by king harald of way and there's a court hearing on monday now where the suspect was a member of the progress party which is opposed to immigration he's posted violently and he lives and he was shooting at the labor party youth rally now the labor party is considered generally open to immigration and integration and police are saying they don't know yes for sure whether he acted alone the reports of a second accomplice this looking up to ninety seven people now may have been killed and there has been criticism that it took them from an hour to an hour and a half to get to the crime scene the police. they were there with difficulty finding transport to the island they were also looking for muslim initially and
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this is of immense who is them every merging of people who helped out fellow victims there's a growing criticism here now of the government's integration policy which may have some type of. brave christine who was. called bomb explosion in days surrounded by broken clothes she stayed in to help. the waitress just standing tough thing and then suddenly it just faded it's just like a car like a fish just waiting for you pumping lofted out like it's in their eyes. you know they gets smashed that's all going to skin and everything this show patched up victims. drinks as a nation which has never suffered at the hands of terrorists before he says norwegians just didn't know how to react. alarms from from course on the
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buildings. you control things gaming rolling all this man's wife suffered severe short when their windows were blown by the most but he says they're lucky to be alone he's thoughts go out to the many young victims of the second time i think about the vision to shape their sympathies and. i think. that. this is just to atrocities produced many acts of terrorism this is the dull six was on the bull's worst mass shooting experts say it is also boise anger that the attacks were allowed to happen in the first place and good little. dozens of hate messages from suspect. you haven't really been prepared for right wing extremism expressed fury at the government's open. policy on immigration it
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numerous blogs and twitter feeds and lisette the shootings may reflect growing national opposition to flee immigration policies the political establishment the more they are relatively well off people but they have been areas where there are simply no immigrants and that's a poor people ignore the being pushed out of places they used to live live in on the soles of their drop stuff are in jeopardy muslims claim this disappointment that the killer turned out to be wants they want this guy to be a muslim or how muslim you know. it is for them it's just a little bit strange because he's no egypt so they talk too much about is them and about us. it is not good norwegians are said to be fed up with their brand of what's been dubbed radical liberalism it's the country's multicultural policies that turned the government against his own norway. far.
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wider. ready to admit and there's a cannot get respectful attitude towards that kind of. and in mainstream media but the reality is that fifty percent of the who are against multiculturalism is people who try to pick up the pieces and bring meaning to this twitter already thing it will sell relations between communities some expect the crackdown by police on the e.u. growing for right movement while others fear this will only fuel resentment against europe's muslims victims are beginning to piece spoke together this shuttered lawyers but expose wall this might not be the last such a turn result reject the perceived failure of a multicultural society grows the new bush will see oslo. you are watching the weekend here about an hour earlier this week rupert murdoch and his son james appeared before a u.k. parliamentary inquiry into the phone hacking scandal the media mogul denied it
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direct responsibility stating that senior managers and those are directly involved in reporting stories work to answer came from iraq has now been accused of trying to mislead british m.p.'s office saying he was unaware of the true extent of phone hacking by reporters where the wrong time minister david cameron led to calls for him to answer further questions after as evidence was challenged could not face legal challenges in the united states over claims the voice mails of nine eleven victims were also targeted meanwhile britain's hacking scandal appears to be spreading beyond modocs newspapers which claims the sunday mirror tabloid also infiltrated the voice messages of celebrities resulting as a guy later came reports critics believe the issue is just too. of the iceberg in a society that no one devalues the procedure. as the scandal over phone hacking by the murdoch media empire rages on public and political theory has mainly focused on ruthless tabloids out of control prepared to invade people's private lives and even
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the dad to get the story but some say in this day and age the whole concept of privacy is falling apart and in the u.s. more rapidly than elsewhere every time you catch on your cell or click on google or use your meal service everybody's sort of just clicks through that you agree to our terms and conditions well those terms and conditions are very very heavily weighted against you and your privacy interests and we see you breaches of privacy happening regimes all across america all across the world really in every sector surveillance is rampant but really this is all a microcosm of it because surveil are all which is a state there's little americans can do with the say having sweeping access to their private information access that followed the nine eleven terrorist attacks under a new law known as the patriot act asana law his privacy was taken away from him in two thousand and two when he was detained by the f.b.i. for absolutely no reason he says and scrutinized for months without charge his
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response for nine years he has voluntarily documented nearly every waking hour of his life on the web he has subsequently even turned it into a form of art sealed for the sort of used so you know the over here for example you know that on sunday november twenty fourth two thousand and five uses target i went grocery shopping at safeway over there were seventeen they got gas over here copies of every debit card transaction so you can see what he bought where and when a g.p.s. device in his pocket reports his real time physical location on a map and this is the shot he took on. his way to our studio which was immediately op loaded on his website hassan says his extraordinary abandonment of his own privacy stems from the ignorance of the authorities but in the fear they decided well but looks a little different so he must be arab and if he's our of then he must have explosives everyone knows that that's the logic we're operating we we realize how
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ridiculous that logic sounds but when your country when your own country takes out on as the basis for national policy. ignorance as the basis of national policies are pretty scary situation and that's how i got caught up in it for ha son privacy has become a rally of the past and he says he's not surprised they journeyed list or anyone else really would use the same surveillance tactics as the state in that sense it might be of no surprise that the chief architect of the p. tryna act the lawyer who put it together happens to be one of murdoch's hand-picked used for gore directors served as a system to turn a general in the bush administration and was described by some as the purveyor of the most sweeping curtailment of freedom in the us system across the era at a time when corporations and the government can easily hack into people's private lives it doesn't come as a surprise when for example social networks need your personal information and
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companies or when other industries leave bob breaching the privacy in the us it's so widespread and people have gotten so used to it that rupert murdoch seems to be perfect part of the system rather than some special bill and with corporation has been undertaking some unique all lawful practices because here in america they're not so unique i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team. and with all to live from moscow now divers have recovered more bodies on a pleasure cruise that sank two weeks ago when russian republic of tatarstan are in the death penalty one hundred and nineteen the country's worst river disaster in years happened on the volga when the boat with over two hundred on board went down in just minutes crews are now preparing to seal the book area after it was towed so shallow waters the task now is to pump water from the sunken hole to make direct light enough to lift so the ship can be examined to determine exactly what caused
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the wreckage the boat's owner is under investigation and two people have already been charged with violating safety regulations. well we follow the recovery operation of the. ship online as well go on website to get the latest updates videos on the blog entries followed all the details of the tragic event from the moment the cruiser went down for the latest salvage operation. also on our web site iran's media is denying reports a man shot dead in toronto was one of the country's nuclear scientists understand that he was a student who just happened to share the name of an unknown for the. ground on this day over sixty years ago the u.s. revealed to the u.s.s.r. that it had a weapon of power the atomic bomb would later become a catalyst for the cold war.
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it's ok to have you with us on it this sunday this is the weekly for now though we'll take a pause and check out some other headlines from around the world and nato has carried out seven air strikes on the libyan capital hitting colonel gadhafi residential compound state television reporter nato strikes in tripoli civilian and military sites on friday a large crowd rallied in the capital in a show of support for the colonel whose whereabouts are still unknown. number revolutionist started back in february with the nato led coalition warship strikes and. a car bomb has killed eight soldiers in yemen's a coastal city of aden the blast took place near the entrance of an army camp as a convoy of vehicles packed with troops was about to leave the compound they were supposed to take part in fighting against al qaeda linked militants in a nearby province the attack follows another car blast that took place
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a few days ago which killed one person. two high speed trains have crashed into each other in eastern china killing at least thirty two men leaving more than one hundred people injured reports say one of the bullet trains stopped after it was hit by lightning just before being hit by another train from behind the train coaches fell off a bridge as a result of the crash and a rescue operation continues now at the site officials say each carriage could carry up to one hundred people. a joint raid by nato and afghan forces has left sixteen minutes instead in the south of the country and operation comes and response to renewed taliban activity as foreign troops begin their withdrawal from afghanistan nato has a new military commander in the country general john allen warns of quote tough times ahead for the war effort residence hall who run the south of the country was recently gunned down by insurgents one of hundred cars and the top advisers has
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also been assassinated. right back i think the u.s. led coalition is losing its grip on afghanistan. they can't win by staying in fact their presence is becoming the main catalyst for the armed insurgency not only the taliban but maybe one hundred forty armed groups and they can't leave either because if they leave there will be a perception that the u.s. and nato were defeated by an armed insurgency but this dilemma must be solved some way so ultimately the united states cannot prevail the assassination of karzai as brother and his inner circle shows that the edifice of the karzai regime necessary at least to give afghan face to the nato occupation that itself is now crumbling he's armed attacks these assassination attempts are designed to create panic and i think in all likelihood they are creating panic within a very hard to foundation of the karzai government the u.s. is losing grown steadily its spending one hundred twenty billion dollars a year that's an increasing amount from the treasury that's already drained based
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on huge budget deficits here the number of casualties on the afghan and american side is is increasing decreasing and yet they're no closer to victory in fact they're losing control of the country and the government that they sponsor is is in fact in danger of crumbling i would say the u.s. hasn't gained anything i think the u.s. is losing ground it's spite of what david petraeus and the obama administration say this is a bad situation possibly a catastrophe for the united states. under analyst also say the violence in afghanistan is being precipitated by local security forces which contain drug addicts and those connected to the taliban well that's why this nato has begun to hand you control over parts of the country back to the locals but it's concerned afghans are too divided untrained and in a quipped to fend off the insurgency by themselves jason not like reports from a couple. there's confusion on the faces of the afghan army soldiers as a firefight unfolds on the other side of the wall and lucky for them this is the
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kabul military training center in the bullets being fired blanks the men here halfway through a ten week program and the officers don't cut them any slack when it's over to be deployed eastern province one of afghanistan's most violent corners. but we must push them hard so they can perform under pressure day by day we're making progress the afghan national army has already come a long way that's rates have swollen to about one hundred seventy thousand troops thanks to fresh waves of recruits attracted by higher wages and extra perks the soldiers insist they are all united in their desire to be back to tell about led insurgency regardless of age or ethnicity then in the army we are old brothers and we are all called by one name. right the call of duty is also struck a chord beyond able bodied males a first ever class of women soldiers has just graduated. and there's even a mujahideen unit made up of more than veterans of the anti-civil be a jihad this is all good news to u.s.
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military planners who have set a two thousand and fourteen million to hand over security responsibilities to the afghans and the afghan army enjoys a much better reputation in the police force and is even featured recent movie. but is the army takes greater responsibility for security around the country there are concerns that the quality of troops may be coming in the expense of quality starters more than eighty percent of troops are literally the big problem in the bill he can read maps and numbers can spell the difference between life and adding to the woes are widespread drug use and desertion it's today roughly one in four combat soldiers quit their post critics also point out that the military leadership is made up of many rival ex warlords still command loyalties along regional ethnic lines and could drag the country deeper into conflict as the u.s. begins to scale back its role as custodian this summer there are concerns that these divisions may flare up if i start usually. we will be here late ninety's fighting each other really killing each other these people are waiting in. groups
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to control it in yet another obstacle for a young army but still has much to prove before it can stand on its own feet jason while clark called for something. however the stories i'm at headlines this week are out so you are watching the weekly i'll be back in just a few moments with a recap of our stories to stick with us.
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